First of all, I'm horrible at blogging and posting about current events. I was supposed to create this blog back in May when everything started and now it's August. Sooo....I'm starting now and I will *hopefully* be keeping up with it as my journey moves forward.
I have wanted to do surrogacy since 2008, which was when I placed my biological daughter for adoption. In the midst of all of the other emotions and happenings at that time, I thought it was neat that a couple who tried to start their family for so long finally received their long awaited daughter because of me. Which sparked wanting to do something along those lines again. So here I am six years later! I also absolutely LOVE being pregnant which added to my passion to become a surrogate. (I now have an amazing 4 year old boy and my beautiful VBA2C 17 month old daughter.)
My journey has happened very, very quickly. Here is a run down so far:
-April 30: I applied at my agency
-May 6: I was successfully matched with my international IPs (Intended Parents)
-May 15: I flew to California for my medical screening
-May 16: Completed my psychological screening
-June 18: Legal contracts were done on both ends (This was a very happy day as legal can often take months of negotiation)
-June 19: First monitoring appointment which consists of blood work and an ultrasound to measure the uterine lining. We want it nice and thick! I started medications after my clinic received the results. (This was a very close call with legal being done by my CD 3(Cycle Day 3) because the first monitoring for beginning a transfer cycle needs to be done between CD 2 and 4.)
-June 28: Started two more medications
-July 3: TRANSFER DAY(usually between CD 17 and 20)!! I flew to California to my IPs fertility clinic where their embryos are frozen. They had 5 embryos and we transferred two 5-day blastocysts(the embryos were created, grew for 5 days, and then frozen until transfer) which were graded at 4AA and 4AB which are pretty decent quality.
-July 7: Started injectable medication because my P4(progesterone) level was low.
-July 12: 9dp5dt (9 days past a 5 day transfer) resulted in a negative beta (blood test) so this transfer unfortunately did not take :( Stopped all medications.
-July 21: All parties and doctor agreed to begin a second transfer cycle. Started medications again!
-August 2: Flew to California for our second transfer. We decided to transfer one 5-day blastocyst with a grade of 4BB.
-August 11: 9dp5dt resulted in another negative beta, this transfer also unfortunately did not take.
-August 16: All parties and doctor agreed to begin a third transfer cycle.
So tomorrow will be my CD 3 and I will start my monitoring appointments and medications.
When the embryo transfers fail, it is never at the fault of a surrogate if she is following protocol and the doctors orders. It is the always the embryos and nature taking its course. My IPs now have two embryos left, I am not aware yet if we will be transferring both or just one with this cycle.
All fingers and toes crossed for a positive transfer! If all goes well and my levels/uterine lining look good, the transfer will possibly be around September 1st.
If you have questions, feel free to ask!