Our third embryo transfer was on September 1st. We flew to California the Saturday before so we had a few days to relax. I got to the clinic at 10am and got all ready in my gown to head into the transfer room at 10:30am. We transferred one, grade 4BB embryo so we only have one more embryo left that is biologically both of the Intended Parents.
The procedure is about the same and as simple as a pap smear(how's that visual? ;) It's not painful at all. The Reproductive Endocrinologist(RE) uses an ultrasound wand to view my uterus and then the Embryologist uses a tiny tube to suck in the tiny embryo from under the microscope to bring to the RE and they insert the tube to squirt it into my uterus where it will HOPEFULLY stick and implant.
So today is 6dp5dt. I tested at 4.5dpt and 5.5dpt but nothing has shown up just yet! It's still a bit early. My BETA is on Wednesday which is the final blood test to determine if the transfer worked or not. Fingers and toes crossed!